
FACT SHEET: Adult Anxiety

Do you often worry? Does anxiety make it difficult to enjoy life?  Is it difficult

to feel confident, feel secure and just relax? 

The fact is that when you have too much anxiety, it affects your ability to

think clearly and approach activities with confidence. 

While some anxiety is normal and healthy, too much becomes toxic. It

 erodes self-confidence and your ability to be successful in life pursuits.

Some Signs of Too Much Anxiety in Adults:

•  Regular Avoidance of Situations

•  Fearful Thinking

•  Restlessness or Feeling Keyed Up

•  Easily Fatigued / Often Tired

•  Difficulty Concentrating

•  Problem Remembering Information

•  Irritability

•  Muscle Tension

•  Sleep Disturbance (difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; restless sleep)

•  Headaches, Intestinal Problems

•  Easily Feels Hurt & Criticized

There is reason to be concerned when anxiety negatively impacts your 

relationships, careerschool performance and peace of mind. The fact is, too

much worry gets in the way of you doing and being your best.  Fear of

making the smallest mistake, being judged and rejected has a crippling effect.  

Unreasonable fears are toxic to you and your relationships.

The overly anxious person will lie in bed reviewing their day.  They worry.  They

believe everyone notices their smallest flaws and mistakes.  Despite the

truth that they are as attractive, smart, talented, competent and lovable as

others, they struggle to believe it.  Fears of judgment, rejection, mistakes

or other negative outcomes overpower the truth.  As a result, fearful emotions

take over healthy thinking and actions.

Anxiety is meant to mobilize you to respond to situations you can solve.

But, chronic anxiety is damaging.  It erodes your ability to think clearly

and act in normal effective ways.

Negative thoughts like, “I don’t have anything to offer”; “People will judge me”;

“Something bad will happen”, fuels fear and insecurity.  Consequently, people

cope by using unhealthy strategies like:

•  Avoidance

•  Trying too hard (Overcompensation)

•  Over Thinking Things 

•  Etc.

While the goal is to avoid painful feeling, these strategies actually end up

making things worse.

The good news is that anxiety is treatable.  Yet, when not treated anxiety often

gets worse.  This can lead to other problems like:

•   Depression

•  Low Self-Esteem

•   High blood Pressure

•  Sleeping problems

•  Relationship problems

•  Career and Professional Success

Always seek a qualified mental health provider or medical doctor trained

to evaluate anxiety.  A competent mental health professional will gather

all the information necessary to determine the problem and make

treatment recommendations

Michael Webb & Morag Webb are qualified licensed therapists. Their offices

are located in Newport Beach, CA. They have the ability to assess your situation

and make treatment recommendations for anxiety.

Treatment for “anxiety” may include one or more of the following:

•  Individual Counseling

•  Family Counseling

•  Anxiety Support Group

•  Group Therapy

•  Medication Evaluation

•  Psychological Testing

•  Medical Visit for a Physical

The most important thing is to get the person suffering from anxiety feeling

better.  The fact is, a better life and better relationships is possible.  Your

life can get better!

DISCLAIMER: When there is a mental health concern or problem, accessing information on a website should never take the place of meeting with a mental health professional. The material in this fact sheet is information only and is not personal mental health advice. If you suspect you or another person is suffering from a mental health condition, get help by calling and meeting with a qualified mental health provider. In the event of a mental health emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital or urgent care center.

Contact Webb Counseling to discuss your situation.